
  1. Ecksho

    Looking for a short throw.

    I’m really looking to find a short throw shifter for a 92. I was wondering if anyone has one used or if anyone has tried to us a t5 short shifter set up and modified it.
  2. D

    Transmission or torque converter?

    I’m trying to decide what the best course of action is regarding what I believe is a failing transmission or torque converter. Basically, I’m experiencing frequent shuddering and the occasional grinding noise from the front of the vehicle. What leads me to think it’s the torque converter is...
  3. D

    Upgraded torque converter

    I’ve recently started noticing symptoms of what I think is my torque converter going bad. I’ve done a transmission fluid drain and fill and added some shudder fixx which has helped a bit but I’m wondering if it’s worth looking into replacing my torque converter. I remember gearhead used to...
  4. marshallma0504

    Need advice before I possibly mess up my SHO

    Hello all, I have a 2013 SHO non PP with 116,000 miles that I am about to embark on a rather long road trip with, and I want to do some preventative maintenance before I leave. Some backstory, I picked the car up on marketplace for a good deal, it’s clean inside and is a rebuild with some panel...
  5. ThatSlowSHO

    PP vs non-PP SHO Transmission

    Unfortunately it’s looking like I’m going to have to replace my transmission in my 4th gen after already replacing the PTU. but does anybody know if I can put the 3.16 perf transmission in a sho that had the 2.77 non-perf transmission? Would it affect the tuning at all? are all the mounting...
  6. jman1200

    Torque Converter?

    2010 SHO with 300k km (186k miles). A couple of months ago I started feeling a slight vibration during shifting, at low rpms. This vibration is now much more evident and present all the time. It happens at any gear and noticeable only when the engine is under 2000 rpm. If I floor it, I feel...
  7. Autox4fun

    3/5/R basket mods?

    I will be going on my third Trans with this issue... Used Flex 70k on it.. I start throwing power to it and boom started slipping in 3rd and 5th. Wave washer was broken. Have used car warranty - get a Ford reman installed 12k later same issue. Pulled and rebuilt at the local Ford dealer(under...
  8. Jormungandr4898

    6F55 friction discs

    Hey guys, I was wondering if it was worth it purchase these Friction discs. I recently hurt the trans badly in my 13 sho pp and will be swapping it at work. I would be doing turbos, High flow cats, hp fuel pump. Or should I just stay with a new stock trans. Also is the Gearhead torque...
  9. shorage

    Ford Small Block to Vulcan 3.0 / SHO Transmission Adapter Plate / RWD Conversion $365 Shipped

    Shipped to Lower 48 Price. These "T5" adapters are now available. PM me for details. Mate a small block Ford Transmission to an SHO Yamaha V6 or Vulcan. Some grinding required on adapter for SHO motors.. No hardware included. Hardware Printout included. 385$ Shipped. PM for details Thanks!
  10. FShearer

    2015 front end noise (video attached)

    This noise started when backing into my driveway with wheel turned to the right. Noise continues going forward, but then seems to go away. Already replaced front CV shaft and the noise continues. Anyone have any ideas?
  11. I

    92 SHO transmission

    Good deal how y'all doing. I'd tell you how I'm doing but I ain't imnotsureyet. Anyways I just got word that it's going to cost me anther $3680.00 to get my car fixed guy at the shop said I need a new transmission and clutch. Has anyone had any experience in a matter of such as this that may...
  12. BigStu123

    Funky shifting w/ Livernois 3-bar v11 91 octane tune

    Hey guys, new here and not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this type of question. Anyways here it goes. I have a 2013 SHO, performance package with the 20” wheels etc. I have a Livernois tune and I’m running the 3-bar v11 91 octane tune (I have LMS 87, 89, then performance 91 and 93...
  13. BigStu123

    Funky shifting w/ Livernois 3-bar v11 91 octane tume

    Hey guys, new here and not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this type of question. Anyways here it goes. I have a 2013 SHO, performance package with the 20” wheels etc. I have a Livernois tune and I’m running the 3-bar v11 91 octane tune (I have LMS 87, 89, then performance 91 and 93...
  14. BKiller

    Did I just lose my transmission?

    My 2013 has 85k on it. Leaving work today. Driving slow out of parking lot, less than 25mph. Sudden Large THUNK from the driveline as the dash lights up with warning and AdvancTrac notices. I roll to a stop to see what’s up. Shut off car to try to reset the AdvancTrac, which has worked...
  15. J

    Need a new transmission

    My 2014 Taurus sho (PP) has 95,000 miles on it and the transmission just gave out on me. I put the car in park after coming to a complete stop and heard a large clunk and now my car shifts and drives poorly. I believe it has interior damage to the trans and the trans case is cracked. I need a...
  16. Shadow351

    Transmission Rebuild & Upgrade

    I believe my transmission is starting to slip in at leas 1st and 6th as well as occasionally 'neutral dropping' from a stop (try to accelerate from a stop and engine winds up like it's in neutral, then drops into gear, sequels tires and accelerates. It has only done this 3-4 times in the last...
  17. DrAMP14

    Looking for a Gen 2 Automatic Transmission

    Hey everybody, I am looking for an automatic transmission for my 1993 Ford SHO. I live in southern MN so if you’re close I would be willing to pick it up. Mine decided it no longer wants to get past 2nd gear :( thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!
  18. Daniele


    Good Morning, I am really really irritated lately with my car and how it is driving. I had changed out my transmission fluid within the past 6 months and about 2 months ago I started noticing that sometimes my car wasn't shifting correctly or - for instance - getting on the highway on the on...
  19. R

    Clutch Pedal Issue?

    I know there are a bunch of threads and this has been beaten to death but I’m a new 1994 Ford SHO owner and I have a couple of questions in regards to my jacked up clutch. Bought the car super cheap off a dude who said “he burnt the clutch”. I’m confused as to where I should start...
  20. Cole maclachlan

    Suzuki samurai 3.0 Mtx swap

    I know it will be complicated (very) but is this do able? Also how complicated will it get? subframe, transmission, 4x4, the whole kit and kabutle!! I want it to be a thing for let me hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance