Hey all, after the build I’ve developed a slight (or possibly not so slight) problem with my ptu I believe, I started driving the car daily after the build , putting thousands of miles on it already every thing engine wise is so far good ! I woke up to a lovely puddle of what smells like gear oil on the ground today, drained and re filled the ptu while the engine was out but I think I way over filled it, just filled it through the vent tube about 3/4 of a 1l bottle I could assume probably 20+ ounces, which inadvertently poured back out of the vent tube it appears. It was frothy and hasn’t puked this much in the whole time I’ve had the car back to together, definitely user error, but what’s y’all’s opinion, drain and fill correctly with 18oz or so of new gear oil frothy oil usually is a sign of low oil but it hasn’t leaked nearly enough oil to be low, I am 100% sure it’s only leaked a couple of ounces and it was mainly black and gnarly not new like this fluid appears, is there a bigger problem ? so far it doesn’t seem to clunk or make any strange noises yet , I might just order a ptu to have one on backup , has anyone made the same rookie mistake as I have ?