Some of you know that I've recently installed a set of these on my vehicle. They are super easy to use once installed. Just gauging interest on putting these for sale as a set for all three. If you've already drilled and tapped your RDU and PTU gor 1/8 NPT, these can be installed on your next fluid exchange. Trans already has a drain plug that is 1/8 NPT.
These are ideal for a few reasons. Main one is, once installed, you never have to break that NPT seal ever again. It can get sketchy after a few times of taking off and on and wondering if its sealed up properly.
No worries with that. All 3 are galvanized steel with brass twist cap that seals with an o-ring. And although I doubt the cap would ever come off, I'm also including enough adhesive backed heat shrink to ensure it doesn't spin off. Just cut it with a razor at your next change and replace it with more the next go around. I'm only including enough for the first installment, the rest is on you. But it's just a few bucks for enough to last a few changes.
Let me know what you guys think. I could get these kits put together in a short period of time if there's enough interest. I kinda need like 10 ppl interested to be worth the time, fyi.
Was thinking $30 shipped to be reasonable. I'm not making a ton of money, just figured those interested may want these kits as it's hassle-free.