Chasing a light shudder coming into 3rd gear WOT, talked to my tuner who thinks my TC may be on it's way out based off of torque converter speed ratio (on 3rd gear shift, speed ratio drops to mid 80's before somewhat sluggishly coming back). Car has 38k, fresh fluid drain/fill (doing another soon as well)
Was curious if anyone else monitors their tc speed ratio and how it behaves. Even under normal acceleration and cruising it drops down to the low/mid 80's into 3rd gear and obviously lower at slower speeds. Highway speeds it's between .98-1.0
One mechanic has gone on a ride along and said he's not even sure it's TC, he said he felt it at 60ish mph regardless of gear, which makes him think it could be wheel balance/pressure since the wheels and tires are new.
If anyone has any logs they could look at, or just throw their TC speed ratio up on their LiveWire or similar and do some driving around, I'd appreciate the comparison.
Thanks all
Was curious if anyone else monitors their tc speed ratio and how it behaves. Even under normal acceleration and cruising it drops down to the low/mid 80's into 3rd gear and obviously lower at slower speeds. Highway speeds it's between .98-1.0
One mechanic has gone on a ride along and said he's not even sure it's TC, he said he felt it at 60ish mph regardless of gear, which makes him think it could be wheel balance/pressure since the wheels and tires are new.
If anyone has any logs they could look at, or just throw their TC speed ratio up on their LiveWire or similar and do some driving around, I'd appreciate the comparison.
Thanks all