Before reading this post, check out my original post explaining my original diagnosis: https://shoforum.com/threads/uh-oh-...at-idle-92-sho-mtx.146552/page-2#post-1601922
So after getting the 211 code, I bought a replacement CPS from SHOsource, along with a new water pump and timing belt. A friend and I replaced everything, but when we went to fire it up. It only cranked.... no start.
Any thoughts? Did we somehow mess up the installation? Could the CPS have been faulty? Is the engine out of time? We are going to work on troubleshooting it again today. We did some other diagnostics that would be helpful clues but I can't remember exactly what we found, I will confer with my friend and follow up here.
So after getting the 211 code, I bought a replacement CPS from SHOsource, along with a new water pump and timing belt. A friend and I replaced everything, but when we went to fire it up. It only cranked.... no start.
Any thoughts? Did we somehow mess up the installation? Could the CPS have been faulty? Is the engine out of time? We are going to work on troubleshooting it again today. We did some other diagnostics that would be helpful clues but I can't remember exactly what we found, I will confer with my friend and follow up here.