Hey y'all! I have a 2011 Kona Blue SHO. I used the power rear sun shade for the very first time a couple of weeks ago because the driver behind me had their high beams on. It worked perfectly. A few days ago, I attempted to use it again and when I pushed the button...nothing happened. I had a 2012 White Platinum SHO with the rear sun shade that had stopped working, as well. I had taken it to Loganville Ford (a dealership outside of Atlanta near where I live and work) and they told me that everything had to be replaced to the tune of $1600. I told them I would think about it but a couple of days later that SHO was involved in an accident and was totaled. I don't really feel like spending $1600 to fix something that I rarely use. It's in the "down" position so it's not even noticeable. However, it would be nice to have it working. Has anyone out in SHO Forum Land had this issue? Your comments would be most welcome. Thanks everybody! Cliff