Unless you are replacing more than one at a time, just support/lift the motor with your jack. Use a piece of wood to distribute the load on the pan and to keep from damaging it.
The front isn't hard, just a little complicated geting a wrench in the right location. Once you remove the lower mount bolt, lower the subframe about 2-3 inch to get clearance. Its possible to remove from the top, but I find it easier going through the bottom. Typically 30-45 minutes.
The rear (passenger), your gonna need to take The tire off. Be aware that after market versions may be positioned slightly differently from OEM so make sure you can wiggle the motor a bit when you are putting things back together for the screw alignments. You may want to drop the from on the passenger side a bit to make things easier. Be sure to remove the bolts from the old mount before ya do.
As for the transmount... I've only removed and reinstalled, but never replaced on any of my Tauri...