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  1. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    Detroit Axle Brakes

    @Texas Marauder so Detroit doesn't offer just slotted, they have a drilled and slotted or a OE style (smooth). I am confused when you say "not designed to be drilled" if you mean buying already drilled rotors based on OE or drilling them myself, assuming you mean cheapo rotors already drilled I...
  2. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    Detroit Axle Brakes

    Right now it's around $260 for drilled and slotted front and rear with pads. Based on what I'm seeing here I think it's a fair compromise.
  3. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    Detroit Axle Brakes

    Against my better judgement and in light of certain financial woes I am having to yet again put off R1 concepts drilled and slotted kit (doesnt help that the price hiked another hundred bucks) I was looking at their factory replacement level brakes with ceramic pads but I see Detroit Axle...
  4. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    CEL after fuel treatment

    I often wonder what's an acceptable amount of flutter. I'm a stickler for smooth operation (unless it's a good cam lope from a v8) I have to remind myself of a few truths. 1) the car is not new, it will have its quirks. 2) new parts are often less than perfect 3) gas is probably a factor. And 4)...
  5. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    CEL after fuel treatment

    I had a misfire on one cylinder consistently and after ruling everything else out I replaced the injector, a month later 2 more started so I replaced the other 5. Haven't had a misfire since and from my diagnosis a couple of the injectors had been replaced at one time, non matching set. I ended...
  6. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    CEL after fuel treatment

    I used to be a strong advocate for seafoam but I heard using it on a regular basis will cause cat fouling so I only use it sparingly and mainly on my "off road" vehicles like my registered and insured F150. unfortunately I still have my cats on the taurus and with Floridas spike in home...
  7. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    I seem to have lost all boost

    Let us know how the experience was with their support. Half of having a warranty is being able to use it and a lot of places have terrible post sale customer service. I know my car is getting up in age and will probably need turbos soon and at the worst possible time so it'd be good to know how...
  8. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    CEL after fuel treatment

    I clear the code usually, I think this time I'll leave it and see what happens.
  9. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    CEL after fuel treatment

    bone stock, spent my tuner money on injectors and tires. I do run 93 so maybe if its acting as an octane booster its going above what it wants to see?
  10. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    CEL after fuel treatment

    about 8-10 months ago I replaced all 6 injectors, per recommendations from here I added a fuel treatment into my maintenance regiment. every oil change I run a bottle of Royal Purple Fuel Treatment through the tank, for the duration of this treated tank I drive the car HARD, it almost...
  11. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    I seem to have lost all boost

    I thought it was just Dorman electronics that had gone down hill, no excuse for that. warranty? (not that itll take the sting out of re-doing the work)
  12. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    3D printed parts

    @SnuffyTheSeal not a fun process, theres a small area on the drivers side firewall above the brake booster i drilled through, pulled the ignition button trim and drilled a hole under the speaker grille, carefully rooted the wire around until I could see it where the ignition button goes, pulled...
  13. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    3D printed parts

    ABS and then painted it with metallic paint marker, then the epoxy was mixed with green dye and silver flake. Hard to see but it has a green tint to it with a metallic like finish (glittery). I just drizzled it over the cover and dremeled away the excess.
  14. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    Dash gauge display question

    Unfortunately it's been covered, someone here did the dogging, the dash module doesn't support it, it's not technologically possible without integrating a system from something else into our cluster and basically doing a full custom cluster...or $25 solar powered tpms or app for phone.
  15. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    3D printed parts

    Still making parts and coming out with new stuff, reluctantly put it out on Facebook but I wanted to get the word out there. Here's a couple one offs I did with some help from the wife. Epoxy really sets everything to the next level. She got into it and has been having fun elevating my prints. I...
  16. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    Dash gauge display question

    just an additional gauge but kind of useless. I enabled it thinking it'd show torque to each wheel in the event of traction loss. it just shows power between front and rear wheels based on throttle.
  17. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    Defrost/floor vents not blowing air

    I thought the one above the pedal was for the drivers side climate? isnt the one for vent control behind the radio? I know of 3 actuators, drivers side climate accessible above pedal, passenger climate accessible behind glove box, and vent control deep behind the radio. I could be wrong, I did a...
  18. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    Rear Sun Shade

    I'd probably forego the rivets and put in some bolts with locktite. Make it a serviceable part, even with the motor being available I might still try to make a gear, why not. Have to do the same process to get the motor out to take it apart, and I'd be willing to guess the lincolns use the same...
  19. Junkyard_Mad-Scientist

    Rear Sun Shade

    If 2010+ fits there are 3 mks at my local upull. Probably get em for a steal