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  1. RickyRecon

    PCV or turbo oil seal.

    shit, I meant to reply to him earlier lol. Yup, just twists in and out like the PCV valve
  2. RickyRecon

    PCV or turbo oil seal.

    I know you posted this a while ago, but in case you’re still having the issue I stumbled across a TSB that covers some 2017 MY for smoke after extended idle. Go remove the quick connect for the fresh air pcv line on the valve cover. If the adapter is black, Ford says to replace it with an...
  3. RickyRecon

    So what did you do to your SHO today!?

    Oh let’s see. Finally got a little time off of work, and I’m creeping up on the 100k mark so I figured it was a good time to start chipping away at wear items, and some all around maintenance. Made some changes. As for regular maintenance stuff, I am now on the ultra platinum train. I never had...
  4. RickyRecon

    Anyone tried the heavy shockproof fluid in the PTU?

    Meant to say something the other day, but good find. Last few places I tried that said it was in stock, ended up sending me an email after I ordered saying it was in fact not in stock. Got a tracking number from these guys instead. Good lookin out man, thanks.
  5. RickyRecon

    Anyone tried the heavy shockproof fluid in the PTU?

    Can’t find LWSP anywhere. Tried Amazon, summit, and a few others. They all come back saying they can’t fulfill the order due to lack of inventory. Thinking about giving the heavy schockproof fluid a go, figured I’d see if anyone else has used it, and what you thought.
  6. RickyRecon


    I would also add, replace the lines too while you’re at it. If nothing else, the filter screens on the feed lines. I’m convinced those not being replaced, either by laziness, or ignorance, are the main cause of repeated premature turbo failure on these engines.
  7. RickyRecon

    So what did you do to your SHO today!?

    Home Depot BOV “mod” lol. The Mrs. put in a work order for some floating shelves in the oldest’s bedroom, and I needed some consumables and laquer, so went to the HD. I happened to catch the chair leg caps out of the corner of my eye in one of the aisles and said, “why not?”. It’s cool I...
  8. RickyRecon

    So what did you do to your SHO today!?

    Can’t go wrong with a mityvac. Yeah, to my knowledge the UPR is the best bet for our cars. It’s not cheap, but personally I don’t mind paying a premium price for a product if it actually works well. You’re definitely going to want to get the upgraded check valves too
  9. RickyRecon

    So what did you do to your SHO today!?

    Realized I hadn’t run the extractor down into the IC in a while (pretty sure not since I installed the noisemaker delete, and cleaned the throttle body…so, a WHILE lol) so I did that. With the drivers side jacked up I got at most a 1/2oz out. Throttle body is still clean as a whistle, and so was...
  10. RickyRecon

    Lowering car

    Right on, thanks man. Yeah, I suppose it’s not the biggest deal, I’ve just been told the H&Rs were made with the PP shocks in mind. That being said, I know a lot of you guys have ran em on the non PP shocks/struts and it’s been fine. Not to mention the guys that switched to the PP shocks/struts...
  11. RickyRecon

    Lowering car

    Anyone have the decoder ring for the whole “with/without painted calipers” on the rock auto? Trying to order some suspension components, including new shocks and struts to go with the H&Rs, and I want to know which one indicates the PP versions. I searched the ford parts website that sources...
  12. RickyRecon

    Knock Sensor Acting Up

    And here I am glaring angrily at my livewire when I see +.09 lol
  13. RickyRecon

    Lowering car

    Roger that, thanks. I don't really DD my SHO anymore, but even if I did, I wouldn't have any problem sacrificing a bit of comfort for performance.
  14. RickyRecon

    Lowering car

    What sort of issues are you hearing about? I’m going to put the H&Rs on mine soon, and was going to stick with new non pp struts/shocks, but I guess I could go with the pp ones if need be. Just faster wear with the non pp, or?
  15. RickyRecon

    I'm Switching to Mercon ULV blend

    Yeah for sure, I use it. The dominator brake fluid is still dot 4, so it’s compatible, just has higher boiling points to help prevent brake fade and vapor lock. As far as pad and rotor size between pp and non-Pp, there is no difference.
  16. RickyRecon

    I'm Switching to Mercon ULV blend

    Yellow is what you would want from ebc. Honestly, if you’re worried about stopping power, the motorcraft semi metallic pads are pretty damn good. I’m not sure what the deal is with the PP pads, because when I ordered them last Ford sent me an email saying they’ve been superseded with the blue...
  17. RickyRecon

    So what did you do to your SHO today!?

    Finally managed to get something in the ol’ catch can. Had a smoothed over layer of sludge, like how a brand new jar of peanut butter looks when you open it, but not a lot of liquid like some of you get. There was a tiny bit under the “skin” but I had To scrape with a flathead so it all got...

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