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    • CitySlicker
      CitySlicker replied to the thread P0171 and P0174.
      Bradm, Unable to get those answers. The Fuel pressure at the rail was the only finding avalible. however @kryptto troubleshooting sheet...
    • CitySlicker
      CitySlicker replied to the thread P0171 and P0174.
      I will get this data and report back. I will get the engine temp as well. From what I see on the internet the fuel pressure to the...
    • CitySlicker
      CitySlicker replied to the thread P0171 and P0174.
      The shop said it's a dealer issue, I believe, because they don't prefer working on these cars. I don't think it was in ill intent. I...
    • CitySlicker
      CitySlicker replied to the thread P0171 and P0174.
      12 months ago. Problem started. Vehicle inspected at our local dealer. They said nothing was wrong, cleared code, and moved on. It...
    • CitySlicker
      CitySlicker replied to the thread P0171 and P0174.
      Kryptto, Followed the sequence. 1. swapped o2 sensors to replicate on bank 2. (no solution) 2. Sprayed intake components with carb...
    • CitySlicker
      CitySlicker replied to the thread P0171 and P0174.
      2015 SHO Stock. Can’t find the solution. Flipped o2 sensor 1 with bank 2 to see if the lean code would move to the other bank. No luck...
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