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    • BKDave
      BKDave reacted to kryptto's post in the thread Project SHLO with Like Like.
      I came very close to shaving my pump housing tab off. If was definitely in the way.
    • BKDave
      BKDave replied to the thread Project SHLO.
      Didn’t update due to work, but pump install was finished. Probably the one of the more sketchy things I’ve done, or atleast not felt...
    • BKDave
      BKDave reacted to kryptto's post in the thread Project SHLO with Like Like.
      Ok - I have 2 or more thread with my pump I just got installed, and the problems I ran into getting mine out. That said, I had...
    • BKDave
      BKDave replied to the thread Project SHLO.
      DW300 installation question. I’ve bought a new assembly to put the pump in myself, however reading through DW instructions vs what I...
    • BKDave
      BKDave reacted to 802SHO's post in the thread 802SHO 2010 Build with Like Like.
      Some more progress. I’m not as far along as I’d like but I’m happy to be in the final phase nonetheless. Took a week off from work and...
    • BKDave
      BKDave reacted to 802SHO's post in the thread 802SHO 2010 Build with Like Like.
      Well, there’s always the XDI60 that Xtreme-DI has in their possession since April 23…..just to change the inlet to 0 degree and well...
    • BKDave
      BKDave replied to the thread Project SHLO.
      I have a 8.05 1/8th pass premeth, but cannot find the slip anywhere to save my life Car is down currently, 120k miles on the factory...
    • BKDave
      Part of me wishes I would’ve made a thread to post and get insight from the other guys who have been extremely helpful as I mostly read...
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